This society of music lovers emerged from the desire to hear historical performances of Baroque music by world-class Brazilian musicians.

Our Mission
We initiated our concerts in 2020 and, today, besides a circle of friends and music enthusiasts, Bach Society Brasil is also a non-profit cultural association. Read our statute here.
As soon as health and safety conditions related to the Covid-19 pandemic allow, our concerts will be in-person, with the on-line option available, too.
The Bach Societies
Bach was born in 1685, in Eisenach, and died in 1750, in Leipzig, in Germany. Despite some recognition for his musical talent while still alive, most of his work remained totally forgotten until the 19th century, when it was rediscovered. The “Bach Societies”, which began to appear during this period, in Europe and America, represent the effort to preserve and spread the work of this unique composer. In the first half of the 20th century, a “Bach Society” was founded in Brazil, though it was discontinued decades back. Now, brimming with excitement and enthusiasm, and fully aware of the enormous responsibility, it is back, fruit of a collective passion for these musical masterpieces.

Audiovisual quality
Our concerts are recorded with technical and audiovisual excellence, making these breathtaking performances available to the entire world through the Internet. The project is directed by Caio Amon, a specialist in filming classical musical, through his production company EROICA_conteúdo. Flawless sound engineering is provided by Fabiano Cordella, with production directed by Ilton Carangacci.

Fernando Cordella
Artistic Director
Considered one of the most active harpsichordists of his generation in Latin America, in 2015 he earned the TOYP JCI Brasil award as the preeminent personality in Brazil for that year, under the “Cultural Excellence” category. He is the artistic director and chief conductor for Sociedade Bach Porto Alegre and Bach Brasil. He has been teaching harpsichord since 2016 at EMMSP (São Paulo Municipal School of Music) and is a coordinator of the Baroque Music Workshop headed by the same institution.
He has an active soloist career and is guest conductor for some of the leading orchestras in Brazil and abroad. He has performed under: Peter van Heyghen, Nathalie Stutzmann, Luiz Otávio Santos, Michaela Comberti, Olivia Centurioni, Bart Naessens, Roman Garrioud, Juan Manuel Quintana, and Rodolfo Richter, among others.
He began studying under pianist Dirce Knijnik, learning the harpsichord under Nicolau de Figueiredo as his principal instructor. In 2011, he won the Açorianos Award for best interpretation in the classical music category for the album “CRAVOS – de Frescobaldi a Mozart”.
Executive Board

Gaius Amon
Content and Communication Director
Audiovisual and creative director specialized in fostering dialog between image, music and sound. He holds a degree in Composition from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and is the director of EROICA conteúdo, having collaborated with the likes of Nieuw Ensemble van Amsterdam, Geoff Emerick, Olinda Allessandrini, Fernando Cordella, Emanuelle Baldini, Duo Siqueira-Lima, and João Bosco, among others.

Fabiano Cordella
Sound Engineer
Audiovisual and creative director specialized in fostering dialog between image, music and sound. He holds a degree in Composition from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and is the director of EROICA conteúdo, having collaborated with the likes of Nieuw Ensemble van Amsterdam, Geoff Emerick, Olinda Allessandrini, Fernando Cordella, Emanuelle Baldini, Duo Siqueira-Lima, and João Bosco, among others.

Ilton Carangacci
Production Director
Artistic agent and events producer since 1985, he has also been lecturing since 2002. Debater and mediator at encounters on subjects related to music, he has acted as mentor to a recording group at Unisinos since 2017. Additionally, he has acted as an agent for Papas da Língua, Vera Loca, Chimarruts, Armandinho, Reação em Cadeia, and Ivo Mozart, among others, while having produced over 4000 shows in 10 countries.
Executive Board

Alexandre Schmidt Nanni
Deputy chairperson of Bach Society Brasil
A physician, having graduated from PUCRS in 1996, active in the field of Nephrology. He initiated his study of the violin in 1986, under the instruction of Maine Valenti. He is currently studying a Music Teaching Degree through UNINTER.
He is a founding member of Grupo Capella Strumentale, created in 1999, a dilettante of Early Music and a student of Baroque violin under the instruction of Marcus Held.
Chairperson – Mauro Ricardo Nunes Pontes
Deputy chairperson – Fabio Furtado Ramos
Secretary – Fernando Antonio de Abreu e Silva
Board members
Annibal Carneiro
Bernardo Frederes Krämer Alcalde
Clarisse Schneider
Fernanda Chiarello Stedile
João Paulo Bittencourt Cardozo
Jonas Badermann de Lemos
Katia Monaco
Linjie Zhang
Marcelo Gus
Maria Teresa de Mello Xavier
Nelson S. Dvoskin
Raul Hartke
Ricardo Arnt
Ricardo Barberena
Samuel Mac Dowell De Figueiredo
Valeska Fasolo
Honorary board members
Celso Loureiro Chaves
Fernando Cacciatore de Garcia
Francisco Marshall
Heloisa do Amaral Peixoto
Jane Titukian
João Carlos Martins
Lya Luft
Maria Berenice Dias
Renato Koch
Tânia Carvalho
Audit Board
Chairperson – Fabiano Saraiva
Deputy Chairperson – Artur Leite Hertz
Secretary – Sérgio Lewkowicz
Audit Board
- Arthur Hertz |
- Fabiano Saraiva |
- Fernando Antonio Abreu E Silva |
- Fábio Ramos |
- Gilberto Schwartsmann |
- Jonas Badermann de Lemos |
- Nelson Sirotzky Dvoskin |
- Sonia Pacheco Sirtotzky |
Audit Board
- Aderbal Amorim |
- Alexandre Schmidt Nanni |
- Ana Gorini da Veiga |
- Ana Lúcia Rassi |
- Ana Rachel Salgado |
- Angelo Alberto Viero |
- Beatriz Fontana |
- Beatriz Tavares Franciosi |
- Bernardo Frederes Krämer Alcalde |
- Betina Fritsch |
- Betina Goldani |
- Camilla Zahn |
- Carla Hunsche |
- Carmen Citrin |
- Carolina Fonseca |
- Clarisse Schneider |
- Cláudia Beylouni dos Santos |
- Dania Damiani Branco |
- Denise Bordin Roos |
- Doris Maria Schneider |
- Elda Pires |
- Eneida Iankilevich |
- Erica Schultz |
- Fernanda Chiarello Stedile |
- Flávio Ricardo Souto de Abreu Fialho Souto de Abreu Fialho |
- Flávio Sehn |
- Flávio Shansis |
- Gladis Falavigna |
- Heloísa Lima Abreu |
- José Roberto Goldim |
- João Luiz Franciosi |
- João Paulo Bittencourt Cardozo |
- Judith Martins-Costa |
- Lenita Wannmacher |
- Luciana Karine de Souza |
- Luiz Fernando Laser |
- Marcello André Barcinski |
- Marcelo Goldani |
- Marcelo Gus |
- Marcia Ferreira |
- Maria Alice Buchele Bechtel |
- Maria Cristina Garcia Vasconcellos |
- Maria Eunice Maciel |
- Maria Salete Chiuchetta |
- Maria Zelia Peretti |
- Mariana Paim Santos |
- Marisa Eizirik |
- Matheus Bazzo |
- Mauro Pontes |
- Miguel Fayet Trein |
- Monica Blaya de Azevedo |
- Márcia Santana Fernandes |
- Nelmo Silveira Menezes |
- Náira Michel |
- Patrícia Martins Moura Barrios |
- Patrícia Rondini |
- Paulo Mello Prestifilippo |
- Raul Hartke |
- Regina Orgler Sordi |
- Ricardo Barbosa Lima Faria Corrêa |
- Sergio Lewkowicz |
- Terezinha Licks |
- Théo Amon |
- Valeska Fasolo |
- Vera Müller |